How to asphalt crack fill in Colorado Springs 2/3

How to asphalt crack fill in Colorado Springs 2/3

It’s crucial to keep your material at the manufacturer-recommended temperature during the application procedure, which is typically between 380 and 410 degrees Fahrenheit. This is especially important with our massive temperature changes in Colorado!

Sealant that is not heated enough should not be sealed until it reaches the manufacturer’s suggested application temperature. Depending on the sealant formula, some overheated material will be stringy and thick, while others will thin. The overheated sealant needs to be thrown away.
We recommend keeping the melter partially full, or at least ¾ full, to help maintain temperature uniformity. You should check the temperature frequently throughout the work to ensure optimal temperatures. Instead of applying sealant blocks all at once, we advise applying them a few at a time at the installation rate. As long as you keep the necessary temperature, adding blocks doesn’t have to stop the crack closing process.
Even though a lot of melters have temperature sensors built in, it’s still a good idea to manually check because the melter kettle may have temperature variations in some places. Circulate the product through the hose and back into the melter until it achieves the proper temperature in the hose if you’re using unheated pipes and the material’s temperature coming out of the hose doesn’t match the installation temperatures.

To ensure a full seal, filling the crack should be done from the bottom up.

When it comes to crack sealing, there are numerous finishing procedures employed. Reservoirs can extend the life of the sealant and enhance adhesion, while over-banding serves as a “band-aid” over the fracture. For certain projects, the sealant and pavement must match exactly, while for others, a combination of methods is needed.

Some OEMs advise filling the crack ¾ of the way, letting it set, and then filling the remaining space to prevent sagging when the sealant cools and shrinks. Some OEMs advise filling up cracks to the appropriate depth and going back to any too-low cracks.

Putting a drip stopper on the tip will help to minimize drips. If there are surplus sealant puddles, they can be removed without damaging the treatment by heating a flat blade and cutting the excess.

To prevent tracking, you should limit traffic on the crack-sealed surface until the sealant has hardened. To immediately allow traffic on the pavement, use limestone dust or a de-tacking chemical to blot the crack. After blotting, the region can be exposed to normal traffic.


Since 2008, we’ve been proudly providing asphalt sealcoating and asphalt paving services to clients in Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, and surrouding areas.

At Asphalt Advanced Services, we take pride in our work and strive to maintain our reputation for providing top quality asphalt sealcoating and paving services. As full-time asphalt sealcoat contractors, we keep abreast of the latest advancements in sealcoating and paving technologies and use only highly rated asphalt products. Customer satisfaction and on-time service is our hallmark. If you are not satisfied, our job is not done.


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