Posts In: Blog

CRACK FILL in Colorado Springs 1/3

The first step in filling the cracks in your driveway or parking lot is to thoroughly clean them. This is to make sure the sealant doesn’t stick to loose dirt or gravel and just peals out easily. The sealant can be most effective when sticking to the sidewalls and top of the crack, not any insecure material. It is best to use a strong blower and power broom when cleaning out these voids, not just handheld tools. AAS uses power brooms and 3 types of

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05/04/2023 Blog


While this isn’t a benefit to the physical pavement, it can be useful. If you don’t believe me, try sweeping your concrete sidewalk with a push broom, then sweep a portion of the freshly seal-coated pavement with the same broom. Where the concrete tugs on the broom, the sealed pavement allows the broom to glide more easily across the surface. Colorado weather can be harsh on cars, driveways, and parking lots… Thus the cleaner and easier to clean surface that more inviting it looks to

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